Saturday, December 20, 2008


HELLO!!! We are the SSPJ students of Sts. Philip and James school located in St. James, N.Y.
We are helping Kenya’s education by sending text books to Kenya. We are trying to make their education better than it was because they don’t have the money to buy better books. In our computer class we are making a website to help to inform others. Our school is donating all of our unwanted text books to Kenya. The children learn with pen and paper and we would like to send books to them for a better education instead of wastefully throwing these textbooks out. We would really like it if you guys would help by sending books to our school.
Our whole class started to get involved with VIST, when our teacher Mr. Wagner talked to a college professor who knew a lot about the school. Our fifth grade class is making this blog in our computer class. Each group has an assignment. We are all writing about Kenya's culture, education, history, and about us.

Please help us donate as many books as we can. If you would like to help, then donate some books to us. We would mostly like math and science books. Please do not send History becase Kenya is a different country. Remember that they are a poor country, so please help us out. We will give all the books we can with one thousand dollars. Our teacher is helping us 5th graders to learn how wealthy our country is and how some country’s are not as fortunate as we are. If you have time to donate to us we can't thank you enough. Lets make the world a better place one step at a time!!! Thank you and have a very good day and we hope the kenyans do too.

Get a Voki now!

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